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Congratulations Rev. JJ Rockmore on your congregations' acceptance of your nomination to be the next pastor of Red Oak Missionary Baptist Church. May God bless your journey.

Sunday School10:00 AM-10:45 AM

Sunday Service11:00 AM


Red Oak Live!

This channel is coming soon!
2717 MLK Blvd.
Longview, Texas 75602
Office Hours
Monday - Friday
9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Thank you for visiting Red Oak Missionary Baptist Church online.  We pray that as you explore our website you will be as a well, full of the good news from Jesus Christ, and that when you leave you will be neither hungry or thirsty.  We cordially invite you to be part of the worship experience here on the South Side of Longview.  Contact us at your convenience if you desire more information about our services and events.

May God richly bless you.

Reverend JJ Rockmore



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