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Sunday School


Sunday School provides a structure for members to learn and share in the study of God's Word.  All Ages are presented in an accepted organization planned with special emphasis on a systemic study of the Bible in order to understand its contents and how the teachings may be applied to life.

Evangelistic Outreach Ministry



Their mission to witness and win souls for Christ.  They also meet with new converts to share the plan of salvation, pray with them, and provide encouragement.

Laymen/Brotherhood Ministry



Their mission is to enrich the lives of men, support the mission of the church and vision of the Pastor.  The strength is in the men who have personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and desire to provide a haven for the people of God to worship and praise.

General Mission Ministry



Their mission is to study the Bible and apply its principles in witnessing, leading others to Christ and inspiring by example (providing spiritual, emotional, and financial assistance to those who are ill, bereaved or needy.

Pastor's AIde Ministry



Provides on-going moral, spiritual, and financial support to the Pastor and his family.

Children's Church


Children's Church provides alternative church services for children between 4 and 8 years of age.  Our mission is to serve as one of the many ways in which the church assists parents in their awesome responsibility of nurturing children in the fear and admonition of the Lord. 

Generation XYZ​


A ministry dedicated to providing opportunities for young adult and adult leaders to reach out to others through Christian service and to live out a passion for God in the context of "putting our faith into action."

Youth Ministry


The purpose of this ministry is to develop, train, and provide a wholesome climate for youth so that they may live, grow, mature and exemplify progress toward a Christ-centered life.  The ministry includes Bible Study, Choir, Praise Dance, Mime and other activities.

Homebound Ministry


The purpose of this ministry is to carry God's Word to the sick and shut-ins in their homes, convalescent homes and hospitals.  They also feed the hungry, give love offerings, and make sizable donations for other occasions.  The ministry not only serves the church family but the community-at-large as well.

Usher Ministry


The Usher Ministry helps to win souls for Christ by making people feel comfortable and welcome in our worship services.  They are doorkeepers for Christ during Sunday morning worship services and other programs/services.

Music Ministry


The Music Ministry is responsible for singing praises to magnify the Lord and lift up the name of Jesus.  They are instrumental in setting the tone for worship.  They diligently support all church activities and functions, including accompanying the pastor on visits to other churches.

Healthcare Ministry



This ministry provides health awareness for the church and the community as well.

Educational Scholarship Ministry


Coordinates the church's efforts to provide financial assistance to graduating seniors who are interested in pursuing post-secondary education.

Condolence Ministry



Prayerfully assists families with their needs during the time of heartbreak and healing.

Prayer Meeting  Ministry



Plans activities and strategies for the weekly prayer meeting.

Publication Ministry


Publishes monthly newsletter to provide a lifeline to the congregation; to encourage and uplift the sick and shut-in; to use as a vehicle for supporting ROMBC's ministries and communicating events to the community.

2717 MLK Blvd.
Longview, Texas 75602
Office Hours
Monday - Friday
9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Thank you for visiting Red Oak Missionary Baptist Church online.  We pray that as you explore our website you will be as a well, full of the good news from Jesus Christ, and that when you leave you will be neither hungry or thirsty.  We cordially invite you to be part of the worship experience here on the South Side of Longview.  Contact us at your convenience if you desire more information about our services and events.

May God richly bless you.

Reverend JJ Rockmore



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